Is your sewing machine protected?
Most of us are careful with our sewing machines. We have dust covers for them. There are special totes for sewing machines. We take them...

Tutorial: Color Blocking a Sewing Pattern
I’ll tell you my story, then explain how to change the color blocking of a sewing pattern. A while ago I decided I needed a new dress,...

Sampling a blouse
The education coordinator at a local big box craft store has always liked the sewing I’ve done on the blouses she’s seen me wear. When I...

When my mother sewed clothes for us
Back when it was less expensive to buy fabric and then sew it into clothing, my mother sewed what clothing we didn’t receive by...

Shirt apron - the Ocean
It all started with making an apron from the front of a discarded white men’s dress shirt. After I finished that project I had plenty of...

Upcycled shirt apron
When I was growing up my parents had some money problems. We weren't poor, per se, but money wasn't plentiful. Partly because of that,...

Sewing an old pattern
I will be going out of town soon, and decided to make myself some new travel pajamas. After all, the current ones were getting old. I got...

Update - November 2015
Life has a way of catching up to one from time to time. It caught up to me last week, so I only have a short blog entry for today. The...