Experiments with Kraft-Tex
To make everything clear, this is NOT a sponsored post. A while ago a friend suggested that I try a new (to me) product for some of my...

Fleur-de-lis placemats
Recently I received some fabric from my sister-in-law. When her daughter got married they used pieces of fabric for the guest book. My...

Shirt apron - the Ocean
It all started with making an apron from the front of a discarded white men’s dress shirt. After I finished that project I had plenty of...

Upcycled shirt apron
When I was growing up my parents had some money problems. We weren't poor, per se, but money wasn't plentiful. Partly because of that,...

Update - November 2015
Life has a way of catching up to one from time to time. It caught up to me last week, so I only have a short blog entry for today. The...