My latest weaving hack
Here’s a weaving hack for those people like me. I’ve had some problems with pain in the joints of my hands, especially my palms. That...

Woven and Finished Towels
The telling of this story about weaving towels has been rather protracted. Sorry about that. We left the story when I had finished...

Preparing to weave
We continue with a tour of the process of weaving. When I am ready to actually weave a planned project there are a number of steps to...

Planning a weaving project
Planning is a part of every weaving project. One must decide what the final product will be. What yarns and weave structure will give...

How many warp ends for my inkle?
I have come at weaving inkles (strips of cloth) from weaving on a floor loom. When preparing a project for the floor loom I would pull...

Inkle pyramid people
I joined Facebook when I started my business. I did it for the interest groups, not because I'm particularly social. One interest group I...

Why a weaving shrinks
When a weaver plans a project, they take a variety of details into consideration. One of those details is length. As with many things,...

Changing the project flow
As I was evaluating my processes this new year, I decided to change the way I schedule my projects. In the past I would plan, start, and...

Inkle loom carrier
"Say hello to my little friend". Oops, that movie reference is a bit obscure, and doesn't work here. So, say hello to my little inkle...

Threading a double rigid heddle loom left-handed
When I took my first weaving class my teacher asked if I were left-handed Apparently, I was threading the heddles and reed left-handed....

Inkle loom hack
I have learned a few things about weaving in my time, so I’m going to share a hack with you. First I’ll give you some vocabulary. “Warp”...

Review of Inkle Pattern Directory
As mentioned previously, Wood and I visited the weaving store in Solvang during its going-out-of-business sale. One of the items we...