I'm thankful for...
It’s two days until Thanksgiving. I’ve decided to take a small break and be thankful.

It’s been suggested by scientists that being grateful has health benefits. The ones I have found include:
1. Managing stress better
2. Improved physical health
● Improved the immune system
● Less pain
● Feeling healthy
● Improved sleep
3. Increased circle of friends
4. Improved psychological health
● Improved empathy
● Reduced aggression
● Improved self-esteem
● Improved response to trauma
5. People are more interested in being around you
With all that in mind, here are some things I’m thankful for:
I have a loving husband
I have a nice house, complete with a “play room” for me (AKA studio)
I have friends
I am able to create things
I have been able to see a lot of things
I have windows so that I can see the sky from indoors (lots of allergies)
My body works well enough that I can do most of what I want to do
Psychology Today