Threading a double rigid heddle loom left-handed
When I took my first weaving class my teacher asked if I were left-handed Apparently, I was threading the heddles and reed left-handed. I’m not, but I am somewhat ambidextrous. That manner of threading looms continued when I bought my floor loom.
Last year we bought a rigid heddle loom. I read the manual that came with the loom, measured the warp, and got the loom threaded. We have since ordered a second heddle for the loom. It was now time to weave with two heddles.
The manufacturer of my loom had one reference on threading two heddles, but that’s it. (Now that I look at it again, they start from the left.) I watched a YouTube video several times, and she started threading the heddles on the right-hand side. Then I went to Pinterest, and searched for references there. There were some visuals there, but only one was up to my standards. However, it looked like they started threading the heddles from the right-hand side.
After threading the first heddle I started looking at my references again. None of the visuals met my needs. Either they were in black and white, or they started from the right-hand side, or … I did get the second heddle threaded, but only after making my own scribbled version.

So, I decided to create a good version of the way I thread double heddles. I saved it in electronic form. Then I decided to make it into a Powerpoint presentation. I also plan on uploading it to my new Thread And Wood YouTube channel. Enjoy!