A Book About Lucet Braiding
I’m anticipating doing a several short blog posts about my current project, writing a book about using the lucet.
I started developing a visual language for the lucet some time ago. I let that project lapse for a while because of life events. A few months ago, I started thinking about restarting the project again. I restarted in earnest about a month ago.

Since then I have been quite busy. I first decided to braid numerous samples using various yarns. That would give me a better idea which were easier to work with. After all, if one of my audiences is people who are brand new at using a lucet, they may not have an idea about that. So far, I’m at 15 different yarns. I have some definite favorites. The “Runway Hit” line of yarns from Yarn Bee is not my favorite. It’s too big and loosely spun.
Mercerized (pearl) cotton or tightly spun wool are my favorites so far. Tightly spun unmercerized cotton is up there on my list as well.
I decided to do all my samples in blue or related colors. I figured if I’m going to be spending that much time with yarn, I may as well enjoy it. I also decided to find as many different sizes of yarn as I could. That would help me decide which yarn I would use for the actual book samples.