Thread & Wood

Terms of Use & Privacy Policy
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Privacy Policy.
Having worked in the Healthcare field, we understand that information about you is important. There are two ways that information about you is obtained or used by us and/or our website providers.
1. Information that YOU PROVIDE to us yourself. This includes information that you fill out on the website in the process of using the website. That may include, but not be limited to: your email address, name, or means of making a purchase.
2. Information COLLECTED FROM you. This includes information gathered, almost always, in a form that cannot be directly linked to you, like your IP address, location, pages visited, and browser type. This information is collected in an aggregate by our third-party partners.
Our third party partners may include, but are not limited to: Wix, Google Analytics, and Etsy.
Privacy Policies of our partners can be found at:
Wix http://www.wix.com/about/privacy
Google Analytics
Etsy https://www.etsy.com/legal/privacy
If you need to find out what information we have collected from you, please contact us thread@threadandwood.com . We will respond within 2 working days.